43.300.000 VND
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The Successor stereo bus compressor continues Heritage Audio's tradition of manufacturing acclaimed pro audio equipment inspired by holy-grail vintage English gear. The Successor features true stereo operation on single controls with matched gain cells for extremely tight left/right tracking and near-zero offset between channels. Compression tracking works in "Oxford mode," where, as opposed to summing left and right channels, the loudest signal control compression. Carnhill I/O transformers and balanced and Class A output stages bring the coveted sound of classic British diode-bridge compression to your drum or mix buses.
Rocking an all-discrete, Class A signal path, the Heritage Audio Successor is well spec'd with stepped controls for easy recall, flexible sidechain filter options, and ultra-fast attack and release times not typically found in vintage designs. The faster attack and release options permit more flexible settings, including FET-like behavior and volume maximizing without transient artifacts. Another modern feature we appreciate is the Blend control for instant parallel compression. The Successor is also equipped with Carnhill transformer-coupled balanced inputs and outputs, ready to add warmth, girth, and authority to any sound source, for some of the sweetest vintage-flavored compression we've heard in this price range at Sweetwater.
MST: 0317640168
Địa chỉ 1: 574 Huỳnh Thị Hai, P Tân Chánh Hiệp, Q12, TP.HCM
Địa chỉ 2: 331 Đường Số 8, KP 1, Phường An Phú, (Q2 cũ) TP Thủ Đức
Địa chỉ 3: Khu Phố Gia Lộc, TT Trảng Bàng, TP Tây Ninh
Điện thoại: 0846.840.840 - 0911.30.90.30
Email nissiaudio.vn@gmail.com
web: nissiaudio.com